Dealing with Depression During Government Exam


In this article, we will assist you in overcoming the first stage of despair while preparing for the government exam.

Dealing with Depression During Government Exam

If you are feeling lazy when preparing for the government exam, this is not a sign of despair. In fact, depression has two stages: the first is when you only focus on unpleasant feelings like irritation, sadness, anger, worry, and so on, and the second is when you are empty and numb to suffering. 

There comes a point when we often vow to ourselves that we will not be aroused by misery. Not being triggered by suffering is not only a sign of strength; it may also indicate depression. Furthermore, it is incorrect to claim that depression is a silent killer. It has produced noises, and we simply fail to understand them at the appropriate time. 

We have important goals, such as earning a government position, but we also struggle with bad feelings. Having a goal, realizing its value, and working hard for it shows that you still have hope, whereas despair kills all of your hopes. So, hoping for the best is a good indicator. But please do not underestimate the bad emotions you are experiencing. 

In this post, we will assist you in overcoming the first stage of despair while preparing for the government exam. However, if you are feeling empty, numb to agony, and, most importantly, despairing, please contact the professionals. 

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Overcome Stage 1 Depression During Government Exam Preparation:

Take a bath 

Believe us when we say that having a bath can help you conquer your depression. Not having a bath for two or three days is also indicative of depression. You may have witnessed students go days without bathing or cleaning their teeth, instead focusing solely on their studies. No, they are not concentrated; they may be depressed owing to the pressure of studying. 

So, during government exam preparation, simply get out of bed and scrub your body with decent soap and lukewarm water. After a bath, you will feel some respite from the pain and be in a better mood to focus on studying. 

Essentially, we are offering self-love suggestions that will help you connect with yourself and live your life to the fullest. Meditation is essential for you since it is the finest way to create self-love. 


Just don’t spend the entire day preparing for your exams. You should also allow yourself time to accept the facts. People usually do not know what you are going through. You could be going through a breakup, betrayal by loved ones, or living in an environment with frequent outbursts or angry spells. If you don’t find a way to deal with these events, you may reach the final stage of despair. Accept that:

  • Love is unconditional, and those who are truly in love never give up on it, and they always remember to support you during difficult times. 
  • Promises are only words. 
  • Those that want to leave you will use any foolish pretext to do so. 
  • Your life is important to the universe, God, and those who love you. 
  • Live for yourself, as well. 
  • Don’t expect to be respected by everyone. Some people are born to insult others, and they will treat you the same way because they lack respect. Throughout their lives, no one has respected them, and this is their problem, not yours. Remember that God has also faced disrespect from the people. 
  • Learn to forgive, then forget.

You can only accept the reality if you give yourself the necessary time. Thus, take a pause and reconnect with the present. 

The proper guidance 

Believe us when we say that three hours of study in the proper direction, with the right sources, and patience will get you through India’s toughest exam. Also, solve previous year’s exams and mock tests for 20 minutes per day to practice confronting your phobia. So, when preparing for a government exam, keep these factors in mind. 

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So, these are the finest techniques for dealing with depression while still preparing for government exams. Finally, we encourage you to accept the situation and hope for the best in order to experience enormous relief from the suffering. 

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