Selecting the Right Outdoor Advertising Agency in Gurgaon

outdoor advertising agency Gurgaon

Gurgaon has become popular as a location for advertising in India because of the increasing number of buildings and people involved in corporations and startups. Mainly, the form of advertisements that are placed outdoors like billboards, signages, elevator ads etc. is highly effective along eye-catching. Thus, if you are a company planning to bring your brand out in the limelight of Gurgaon then choosing the right outdoor advertising agency Gurgaon is the key. Below are 5 factors to assist a company in selecting an appropriate advertising agency that shares and supports your brand values and places them in the right outdoor media.

1.  Understand Their Working Methodology

The way, how the prospective agency has to organize outdoor lift advertising campaigns has to be considered. A great agency will possess a basic and unhindered approach regarding placement, size, visibility, and the amount of customers’ time that can be captured. For instance, the billboard advertisement as seen in the elevator in a residential complex allows the target audience to devote their full attention for 20-60 seconds in transit. The agency needs to demonstrate an understanding of how to place clear and clean elevator ads that are 13” x 19” for optimal visibility across the network.

2.  Evaluate Their Experience

Third, look for the experience an outdoor agency has in the advertising industry in Gurgaon. An established agency with adequate experience on its side will know the effect of various forms of outdoor media platforms. They can advise you rightly on which channel is appropriate like billboards in cyber city versus signage around metro stations for the brand you want to spread. The outcomes of the campaign results presented to their previous patrons can inform this.

3.  Check Target Audience Understanding

It is at this level that the cornerstone for any successful ad campaign resides: the knowledge of the target group. So, check how effectively the agency captures the audience, their tendencies, and the way they interact with the media. For instance, an agency formed to drive demand for particular services in a given market should understand that young business people only use the metro to commute and prefer to access services online. As a result, they can place elevator ads in co-working spaces or geo-delivery of mobile ads for the best response.

4.  Describe Their Creativity and Innovativeness

Ideally, the agency should have several creative personnel on its payroll who can generate more creative approaches to communication about outdoor advertising. You have to look at their creative portfolio to determine the previous campaigns that they have done. Also determine whether they use modern trends such as digital touch screen stands, property branding, ambient advertising spaces, etc. which offer brand exposure to persons of low budget.

5.  Compare Costs and Packages

Therefore, costs and packages offered by a few shortlisted agencies can be compared in this aspect during the evaluation. Besides the service fees that are charged, other things that could be ascertained include; the number of ad locations, reporting of ad campaign performance, and repair or replacement of damaged ads among others, this ensures that an informed decision is made on the agency to select due to good value for money. Also, find out if there are any special offers on first orders or first contracts that the tanning salon has that are unavailable to regular or returning clients.


One of the challenging tasks to undertake is to decide with which of the numerous outdoor advertising players, which operate around the Gurgaon region, to partner. Before you finalize the chosen candidate for outdoor advertising in Gurgaon evaluate their core working style, experience, and knowledge of the spaces, imagination, and creativity as well as the amount of money they will charge you. Any good agency should assist in assuring visibility, recall, and results from the outdoor advertising investments in Gurgaon.

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